Alberto Iglesias Apps

Glass French - Settings FR 1.0.0
La demande de verre français est unconfigurateur automatique à Google en verre pour la languefrançaiseDéveloppé cette application " GlassFrench " pour augmenter demanière significative le degré de liberté de paramètres régionaux ,a été publié à titre gracieux pour Google Play et les utilisateursde Google Glass.Google verre initialement fixé vient seulement avec la langueanglaise et est utilizer très difficile qui ne maîtrisent pas lalangue .Testé à la version de XE17.1 de verre GoogleATTENTION **********Google verre est livré avec les paramètres de protection dechangement , qui ne peut être fait par le dispositif pour ne pasavoir l'écran " Paramètres", puis après l'installation del'application, vous devez exécuter la commande ci-dessous , celadevrait être fait avec le câble connecté à Google en verreVérifiez où le adb.exe exécutable sur votre ordinateur , accédezà ce dossier via CMDexemple:cd \ \ plate-forme Android - tools \et exécutez la commande :adb shell pm grant com.visualnet.glassfrenchandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONAprès cette commande , il suffit d'entrer l'application ousimplement parler :" OK GLASS " puis " FRENCH"Drapeau de la France apparaît au bout de 5 secondes et est déjàconfiguré , vous pouvez donc maintenant entrer n'importe quelleapplication de verre Google qui sera en cours d'exécution dans lalangue choisie comme Google , Youtube , etcPour télécharger directement l'APK pour diriger l'installationde Google Glass., Télécharger demand for glassFrench is an automatic Google configurator glass for FrenchlanguageDeveloped this application "GlassFrench" to significantlyincrease the degree of freedom locale was published free of chargePlay Google and Google users Glass.Google Glass initially set only comes with the English language andis very difficult Utilizer who do not speak the language.Tested version of Google XE17.1 glassATTENTION **********Google comes with glass protection settings change, which can onlybe done by the device does not have the "Settings" screen, thenafter installing the application, you must run the command below,this should be done with the cable connected to Google GlassCheck where the executable adb.exe on your computer, navigate tothis folder using CMDexample:cd \ \ Android platform - tools \and run the command:adb shell pm com.visualnet.glassfrench grantandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONAfter this command, you simply enter the application or simplytalk:"OK GLASS" and "FRENCH"Flag of France appears after 5 seconds and is alreadyconfigured, so you can now enter any application from Google thatglass will be running in the chosen language such as Google,Youtube, etc.To download the APK directly to direct the installation ofGoogle Glass., Download
Little life 1.0.2
-Stone or Flower? - Wich will you choose? In this game you can playwith who you want. Fight against them to see who wil be the mostevolutionated and richest. Test yourself to see for how long canyou go further in this fun game, where you put the limits
Glass Face Recognizer 1.0.2
Glass Face is a software that offers facerecognition using your Google Glass.In this initial version you can identify Gender, Age, Race andSmileJust Say it: "OK GLASS" "GLASS FACE"Support to XE17.1 versionFor futures versions this app can be recognize faces and NAMES.Google Glass is trademark of Google Inc.
Glass Spain - Settings ES 1.0.0
La Aplicación GLASS SPAIN es unconfiguradorautomático para Google Glass para la lengua españolaDesarrollada esta aplicación " GlassSpain " paraaumentarsignificativamente el grado de libertad de configuraciónlocal , sepublicó de forma gratuita en Google Play y los usuariosde GoogleGlass.Google Glass establecido originalmente sólo viene con elidiomaInglés y resulta muy difícil para el usuario que no donimaelidioma.Probado hasta la versión XE17.1 de Google Glass********** ATENCIÓN **********Google Glass viene con la configuración de protección de cambio,que no se pueden hacer por el dispositivo por no tener lapantalla"Configuración" , a continuación, después de instalar laaplicación, debe ejecutar el siguiente comando , esto debe hacersecon elcable conectado a Google GlassCompruebe donde está el ejecutable adb.exe en tu equipo, vayaala carpeta a través de CMDEjemplo :cd \ Android \ Platform - tools \y ejecutar el comando:adb shell pm grantcom.visualnet.glassspainandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONDespués de este comando , basta con entrar en la aplicación ,osimplemente hablar :" OK GOOGLE " y luego " SPAIN "Bandera de España aparece después de 5 segundos y yaestáconfigurado, por lo que ahora puede entrar en cualquieraplicaciónde Google Glass y veras en el idioma elegido como Google, Youtube,etcPara descargar directamente el archivo. APK para dirigirlainstalación Google Glass, descárgalo GLASS SPAINisan automatic configurator to Google Glass for Spanish languageHe developed this application "GlassSpain" tosignificantlyincrease the degree of freedom of locale was publishedfor free onGoogle Play and Glass Google users.Google Glass originally set only comes with the English languageandis very difficult for a user not donima language.Tested to XE17.1 version of Google GlassATTENTION ********** **********Google Glass comes with the protection settings change, whichcannot be done by the device for not having the "Settings"screen,then after installing the application, run the followingcommand,this should be done with the cable connected Glass toGoogleCheck where the adb.exe executable on your computer, go tothefolder via CMDExample:cd \ Android \ Platform - tools \and run the command:adb shell pm com.visualnet.glassspaingrantandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONAfter this command, simply enter the application, orjusttalk:"OK GOOGLE" then "SPAIN"Flag of Spain appears after 5 seconds and is already set, soyoucan now enter any Google Glass and see in that language byGoogle,Youtube, etcTo download the file directly. APK installation to runGoogleGlass, download
Glass Brazil - Settings BR 1.0.0
O Aplicativo Glass Brazil é umconfiguradorautomático para Google Glass para lingua PortuguesaDesenvolvemos esta aplicação " GlassBrazil " paraampliarsignificativamente o grau de liberdade de configuraçãodelocalidade , foi publicado de forma gratuita para Google Playeusuários do Google Glass.O Google Glass originalmente vem somente configurado com alinguainglesa e fica muito difícil utilizer quem não tem domínionalíngua.Testado até a versao XE17.1 do Google Glass***** ATENÇÃO *****O Google Glass vem com a proteção de mudança de configurações,quenão pode ser feito pelo aparelho por não ter a tela de"Settings",então, após a instalação do aplicativo, deve-se rodar ocommandoabaixo, este deve ser feito com o cabo conectado aoGoogleGlassVerificar onde está o executável ADB.EXE no seu computador,iraté a essa pasta através do CMDExemplo:cd\Android\platform-tools\e executar o commando:adb shell pm grantcom.visualnet.glassbrazilandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONApós este commando, basta entrar no aplicativo ousimplesmentefalar:"OK GLASS" e depois "BRAZIL"aparecerá a bandeira do Brasil e após 5 segundos jáestaráconfigurado, então já pode entrar em qualquer aplicativo doGoogleGlass que estará funcionando no idioma escolhido, comoGoogle,Youtube, etcPara baixar diretamente o .APK para instalação direta para oGoogleGlass, faça o download em ApplicationGlassBrazil is an automatic configurator to Google Glass forPortugueselanguageDeveloped this "GlassBrazil" application tosignificantlyincrease the degree of freedom of locale setting, waspublishedfree of charge to Play Google and Google users Glass.Google Glass originally set only comes with the English languageandis very difficult utilizer who do not master the language.Tested to XE17.1 version of Google GlassATTENTION ***** *****Google Glass comes with change protection settings, which can notbedone by the device for not having the screen "Settings", thenafterinstalling the application, you must run the command below,thisshould be done with the cable connected to Google GlassCheck where the executable ADB.EXE on your computer, go tothatfolder via CMDExample:cd \ Android \ platform-tools \and run the command:adb shell pm com.visualnet.glassbrazilgrantandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONAfter this command, simply enter the application orsimplytalk:"GLASS OK" and then "BRAZIL"Flag of Brazil appear after 5 seconds and is alreadyconfigured,so you can now enter any Google application that Glasswill berunning in the chosen language such as Google, Youtube,etc.To directly download the. APK to direct to GoogleGlassinstallation, download it
Glass Mexico - Settings es-MX 1.0.0
La Aplicación GLASS MEXICO es unconfiguradorautomático para Google Glass para la lengua española deMEXICO(es-MX)Desarrollada esta aplicación " GlassMexico " paraaumentarsignificativamente el grado de libertad de configuraciónlocal , sepublicó de forma gratuita en Google Play y los usuariosde GoogleGlass.Google Glass establecido originalmente sólo viene con elidiomaInglés y resulta muy difícil para el usuario que no donimaelidioma.Probado hasta la versión XE17.1 de Google Glass********** ATENCIÓN **********Google Glass viene con la configuración de protección de cambio,que no se pueden hacer por el dispositivo por no tener lapantalla"Configuración" , a continuación, después de instalar laaplicación, debe ejecutar el siguiente comando , esto debe hacersecon elcable conectado a Google GlassCompruebe donde está el ejecutable adb.exe en tu equipo, vayaala carpeta a través de CMDEjemplo :cd \ Android \ Platform - tools \y ejecutar el comando:adb shell pm grantcom.visualnet.glassmexicoandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONDespués de este comando , basta con entrar en la aplicación ,osimplemente hablar :" OK GOOGLE " y luego " MEXICO "Bandera de Mexico aparece después de 5 segundos y yaestáconfigurado, por lo que ahora puede entrar en cualquieraplicaciónde Google Glass y veras en el idioma elegido como Google, Youtube,etcPara descargar directamente el archivo. APK para dirigirlainstalación Google Glass, descárgalo MEXICOGLASSis an automatic configurator for Google Glass for SpanishlanguageMEXICO (en-US)He developed this "GlassMexico" application tosignificantlyincrease the degree of freedom of locale, waspublished for free onGoogle Play and users of Google Glass.Google Glass originally set only comes with the English languageandit is difficult for the user who does not donima language.Tested up version of Google Glass XE17.1ATTENTION ********** **********Google Glass comes with protection settings change, which can notbedone by the device for not having the "Settings" screen, thenafterinstalling the application, you must run the followingcommand, thismust be done with the cable connected to GoogleGlassCheck where the adb.exe executable is on your computer, go tothefolder via CMDExample:cd \ Android \ Platform - tools \and execute the command:adb shell pm com.visualnet.glassmexicograntandroid.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONAfter this command, simply enter the application, orjusttalk:"OK GOOGLE" and then "MEXICO"Flag of Mexico appears after 5 seconds and is alreadyconfigured,so you can now enter any Google Glass and see in thatlanguage byGoogle, Youtube, etcTo download the file directly. APK installation to runGoogleGlass, download
PaperDroid Real Time Wallpaper 2.0.0
This amazing application is intended foranyonewho wants to take a picture and make this pictureappearautomatically on your computer at home, in the office,fromanywhere over the internet, either a 3G or Wifi connection.Professionals in the field of journalism, Culture,Design,Architecture and any other area you can use to send apicture toyour computer immediately as Wallpaper (Wallpaper)instantlywithout sending emails, without having to ask anyone topose asrole wall.Your family can send pictures of where you are and send ittoanyone else and settle this photo as wallpaper instantly.Watch the Video: the computer is not connected, has no problem connecting toitand you will receive a photo as wallpaper.Keywords Photo, Real Time, Desktop, Notebook, Photo,Wallpaper,Paper, Photo, Photography, WallpaperSupport Email Address [email protected] URL
Simple Barcode Reader 1.0.0
Simple Barcode Scanner uses the camera onyourPhone, Tablet, SmartWatch or Google Glass to read barcodes ofallkinds.After scanning barcodes you find on products, for example,youcan discover prices and reviews for it. Or, scan thenewtwo-dimensional bar codes, like QR Codes, you can accesscontactinformation, bookmarks, web site links and more inside.
Correos España - Paqueteria 2.0.0
Consulta tu paquete enviado por los correos, enviado o recebido.Verifica su localización desde el recibimiento en correos, hasta lallegada del paquete en su destino final. El localizador más rápidoy más sencillo para localizar sus paquetes.
VN GPS Realtime Monitoring 2.0.5
VN GPS Tracking enables live monitoring ofyourlocation with your friends, policy, parent.Monitoring your exact location to your family and friendsonGoogle Maps.This is more than a GPS Tracker, this is real live trackingforlocation sharing.This APP works with smartphones with cheap AndroidThis APP can be used for:- Track your device in case of theft- Monitor your smartphone in real time- Tracking your boat- Locate your children- Show your outdoor trip live to your family & friends.- Track your petSupported features:- Supports autostart- Works like Android service (Can close and work woth otherAPPsKeywords:- Live tracking- GPS Tracker- Real Time Tracking- Pet tracker- Remote control- Google Maps- Monitoring- Spying- Anti-Thef
Mil Clubs 1.0.4
Buscador de Clubs en EspañaSearch clubsinSpain
Origen EX 1.1.8
Origen EX - Un canal donde hablamos de temas variados del misterio,conspiración y actualidad.
Auto Hang Up 1.0.1
The application itself disconnects thetimethat you determine whether or remains without any movement for2minutes.Do not spend more money simply by forgetting or notknowingproperly turn off your phone.
Remote SMS - Your service SMS 1.0.0
The best Remote SMS app.Remote SMS - At your service SMSYou can send and receive SMS to/from another number in anyplace,any country, without pay anything between your device andremotedevice.FEATURES* With this app you can configure your email to receive SMSsfromthis device/phone number* With this app you can configure a URL to callback your SMSandthen do anything you want:- Populate a webpage- Send notifications to another app- Populate a databaseExtremely easy to configure.Just install in a device with 3G (for send/receive SMS), typethesim card number and how you can receive SMS, through Email,URLCallback or both.It´s amazing!Imagine you are in another country and need to receive orsendSMS like you in the same country the device.Is work with service, not needed any screen toreceiveautomatically and relay.
Narwhal Adventure 1.2.1
In Crescent narwhal you must help thelittlenarwhal get to the moon by crossing multiple landsyou will face extreme heat in the desert and no heat in space :Dchoose between 4 levels and 5 skins for your little narwhal.